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Bünnings, C., Simankova, I., & Tauchmann, H. (2024). Health Shocks and Health Behavior: A Long-Term Perspective . European Journal of Health Economics , forthcoming .
Tauchmann, H., Reif, S., & Valder, F. (2024). Diagnosis Related Payment for Inpatient Mental Health Care: Hospital Selection and Effects on Length of Stay . Health Economics , forthcoming .
Hueber, S., Biermann, V., Tomandl, J., Warkentin, L., Schedlbauer, A., Tauchmann, H.,... Kühlein, T. (2023). Consequences of early thyroid ultrasound on subsequent tests, morbidity and costs: an explorative analysis of routine health data from German ambulatory care . BMJ Open , 13 (3).
Tauchmann, H. (2023). lgrgtest: Lagrange-multiplier test after constrained maximum-likelihood estimation . Stata Journal , 23 (2), 386–401.
Tauchmann, H., & Farbmacher, H. (2023). Linear Fixed-Effects Estimation with Non-Repeated Outcomes . Econometric Reviews , 42 (8), 635-654.
Tauchmann, H., & Wübker, A. (2023). Weight Loss and Sexual Activity in adult Obese Individuals: Establishing a causal link . Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik , Ahead-of-Print / Just-Accepted .
Hafner, L., Biermann, V., Donnachie, E., Hueber, S., Kühlein, T., Tauchmann, H., & Tomandl, J. (2022). Short and medium-term cost effects of non-indicated thyroid diagnostics: Empirical evidence from German claims data . European Journal of Health Economics , 23 , 565-595.
Reif, S., Schubert, S., Stiefel, J., Husri, F., Fischlein, T., Pauschinger, M., & Klucken, J. (2022). Supporting patients with heart failure with digital therapeutics-A pilot study in Germany . Digital Health , 8 .
Tauchmann, H., Kifmann, M., Herr, A., & Brosig-Koch, J. (2022). Zum "Konsens" zum Thema "Homöopathie in der medizinischen Versorgung" . Gesundheitsökonomie und Qualitätsmanagement , 27 , 68-69.
Bünnings, C., Hafner, L., Reif, S., & Tauchmann, H. (2021). In sickness and in health? Health shocks and relationship breakdown: Empirical evidence from Germany . Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization , 190 , 164-190.
Bünnings, C., Hafner, L., Reif, S., & Tauchmann, H. (2021). In sickness and in health? Health shocks and relationship breakdown: Empirical evidence from Germany . Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization , 190 , 164-190.
Hafner, L., & Lochner, B. (2021). Do minimum wages improve self-rated health? Evidence from a natural experiment . Empirical Economics .
Hafner, L., Tauchmann, H., & Wübker, A. (2021). Does moderate weight loss affect subjective health perception in obese individuals? Evidence from field experimental data . Empirical Economics , 21 (2), 2293-2333.
Oberfichtner, M., & Tauchmann, H. (2021). stackreg – stacked linear regression analysis to facilitate testing of hypotheses across OLS regressions . Stata Journal , 21 (2), 411-429.
Reif, S., & Schubert, S. (2021). Vorsorgelücke während der Coronavirus-Pandemie – Vorsorgeuntersuchungen in der Krise .
Tauchmann, H. (2021). LMTEST: stata module to perform Lagrange multiplier test after constrained maximum likelihood estimation .
Tauchmann, H., & Farbmacher, H. (2021). Linear Fixed-Effects Estimation with Non-Repeated Outcomes .
Marcus, J., Reif, S., Wuppermann, A., & Rouche, A. (2020). Increased instruction time and stress-related health problems among school children . Journal of Health Economics , 70 .
Reif, S., Hafner, L., & Seebauer, M. (2020). Physician behavior under prospective payment schemes—evidence from artefactual field and lab experiments . International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health , 17 (15), 1-37.
Badunenko, O., & Tauchmann, H. (2019). Simar and Wilson two-stage efficiency analysis for STATA . Stata Journal , 19 (4), 950-988.
Bünnings, C., Hafner, L., Reif, S., & Tauchmann, H. (2019). In Sickness an in Health? Health Shocks and Relationship Breakdown: Empirical Evidence from Germany .
Bünnings, C., Schmitz, H., Tauchmann, H., & Ziebarth, N.R. (2019). The Role of Prices Relative to Supplemental Benefits and Service Quality in Health Plan Choice . Journal of Risk and Insurance , 86 (2), 415-449.
Hafner, L., Tomandl, J., Biermann, V., Tauchmann, H., Schöffski, O., Hoyer, S.,... Kühlein, T. (2019, March). Kosteneffekte durch nicht indizierte Diagnostik der Schilddrüse . Poster presentation at Deutsche Gesellschaft für Gesundheitsökonomie 11. Jahrestagung Gesundheitsverhalten und Prävention, Augsburg, DE.
Hueber, S., Tomandl, J., Hafner, L., Biermann, V., Tauchmann, H., Schöffski, O.,... Kühlein, T. (2019, September). Überversorgung durch nicht-indizierten Ultraschall der Schilddrüse? Eine Analyse von Routinedaten der Kassenärztlichen Vereinigung Bayerns . Paper presentation at 53. Kongress für Allgemeinmedizin und Familienmedizin (DEGAM), Erlangen, DE.
Tauchmann, H. (2019). Fixed-Effects estimation of the Linear Discrete-Time Hazard Model: an Adjusted First-Differences Estimator .
Tomandl, J., Hafner, L., Biermann, V., Tauchmann, H., Schöffski, O., Hueber, S., & Kühlein, T. (2019, October). Morbidität und Inanspruchnahme des Gesundheitswesens von PatientInnen mit Verdacht auf Schilddrüsenerkrankungen. Eine retrospektive Kohortenanalyse unter Verwendung von Routinedaten. Paper presentation at 18. Deutscher Kongress für Versorgungsforschung, Berlin, DE.
Tomandl, J., Hafner, L., Biermann, V., Tauchmann, H., Schöffski, O., Kühlein, T., & Hueber, S. (2019, December). Analysis of morbidity and health care usage of patients with suspected thyroid disorders . Paper presentation at Preventing Overdiagnosis Congress 2019, Sydney, AU.
Augurzky, B., Bauer, T., Reichert, A., Schmidt, C.M., & Tauchmann, H. (2018). Habit Formation, Obesity, and Cash Rewards .
Badunenko, O., & Tauchmann, H. (2018). Simar and Wilson two-stage efficiency analysis for STATA .
Reif, S., Wichert, S., & Wuppermann, A. (2018). Is it good to be too light? Birth weight thresholds in hospital reimbursement systems . Journal of Health Economics , 59 , 1-25.
Büyükdurums, T., Kopetsch, T., Schmitz, H., & Tauchmann, H. (2017). On the Interdependence of Ambulatory and Hospital care in the German Health System . Health Economics Review , 7 (1), 1-19.
Hafner, L., Reif, S., & Seebauer, M. (2017). Physician behavior under prospective payment schemes: Evidence from artefactual field and lab experiments .
Hafner, L., Tauchmann, H., & Wübker, A. (2017). Does Moderate Weight Loss Affect
Subjective Health Perception in Obese
Individuals? Evidence from Field Experimental Data .
Quis, J.S., & Reif, S. (2017). Health Effects of Instruction Intensity
Evidence from a Natural Experiment in German High-Schools .
Reif, S., Wichert, S., & Wuppermann, A. (2017). Is it good to be too light? Birth weight thresholds in hospital reimbursement systems .
Tauchmann, H., & Reichert, A. (2017). Workforce Reduction, Subjective Job Insecurity, and Mental Health . Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization , 133 , 187-212.
Billner, M., Wirthmann, A., Reif, S., & Rieger, U. (2016). Poly Implant Prothèse and Rofil Substandard Breast Implant Explantations from a Large German Single Centre from 2011 to 2014: A Comparative Study . Aesthetic Plastic Surgery , 40 (4), 507-513.
Billner, M., Wirthmann, A., Reif, S., & Rieger, U.M. (2016). Poly Implant Prothèse and Rofil Substandard Breast Implant Explantations from a Large German Single Centre from 2011 to 2014: A Comparative Study . Aesthetic Plastic Surgery , 40/4 .
Bünnings, C., Schmitz, H., Tauchmann, H., & Zierbarth, N. (2015). "How Health Plan Enrollees Value Prices Relative to Supplemental Benefits and Service Quality" .
Bünnings, C., & Tauchmann, H. (2015). Who Opts Out of the Statutory Health Insurance? A Discrete Time Hazard Model for Germany . Health Economics , 24 (10), 1331-1347.
Paloyo, A.R., Reichert, A.R., Reuss-Borst, M., & Tauchmann, H. (2015). Who responds to financial incentives for weight loss? Evidence from a randomized controlled trial . Social science & medicine , 145 , 44–52.
Reichert, A., Augurzky, B., & Tauchmann, H. (2015). Self-perceived Job Insecurity and the Demand for Medical Rehabilitation: Does Fear of Unemployment Reduce Health Care Utilization? Health Economics , 24 (1), 8-25.
Reichert, A.R., Tauchmann, H., & Wübker, A. (2015). "Wheight Loss and Sexual Activity in Adult Obese Individuals: Establishing a Casual Link" .
Reuss-Borst, M., Peters, E., Payolo, A., Reichert, A., & Tauchmann, H. (2015). Finanzielle Anreize zur Gewichtsreduktion nach stationärer Rehabilitation . Versicherungsmedizin , 2 , 64-69.
Augurzky, B., Bauer, K., Reichert, A.R., Schmidt, M., & Tauchmann, H. (2014). "Small Cash Rewards for Big Losers - Experimental Insights Into the Fight Against the Obesity epidemic" .
Reichert, A., & Tauchmann, H. (2014). When Outcome Heterogeneously matters for Selection: A Generalized Selection Correction Estimator . Applied economics , 46/7 , 762-768.
Reichert, A., & Tauchmann, H. (2014). When Outcome Heterogeneously matters for Selection: A Generalized Selection Correction Estimator .
Schüller, D., Tauchmann, H., Upmann, T., & Weimar, D. (2014). Pro-Social behavior in the TV show "Come Dine With Me": An empirical investigation . Journal of Economic Psychology , 45 , 44-55.
Tauchmann, H. (2014). Lee (2009) Treatment effect bounds for non-random sample selection . Stata Journal , 14 (4), 884-894.
Behl, P., Dette, H., Frondel, M., & Tauchmann, H. (2013). Energy Substitution: When Model Selection Depends on the Focus . Energy Economics , 39 , 233-238.
Felder, S., & Tauchmann, H. (2013). Federal State Differentials in the Efficiency of Health Production։ An Artifact of Spatial Dependence? European Journal of Health Economics , 14 (1), 21-39.
Tauchmann, H. (2013). Lee’s treatment effect bounds for non-random sample selection - an implementation in Stata .
Tauchmann, H., Lenz, S., Requate, T., & Schmidt, C. (2013). Tobacco and Alcohol: Complements or Substitutes? A Structural Model Approach to Insufficient Price Variation in Individual-Level Data . Empirical Economics , 45 , 539-566.
Tauchmann, H., Paloyo, A., Reinermann, H., & Reichert, A. (2013). The Causal Link between Financial Incentives and Weight Loss: An Evidence-Based Survey of the Literature . Journal of Economic Surveys , 28 (3) , 401-420.
Augurzky, B., Bauer, T.K., Reichert, A.R., Schmidt, C., & Tauchmann, H. (2012). Does Money Burn Fat?-Evidence from a Randomized Experiment .
Behl, P., Dette, H., Frondel, M., & Tauchmann, H. (2012). Choice is Suffering: A Focused Information Criterion for Model Selection . Economic Modelling , 29 (3), 817-822.
Kvasnicka, M., & Tauchmann, H. (2012). Much Ado About Nothing? Smoking Bans and Germany's Hospitality Industry . Applied economics , 44 (35), 4539-4551.
Schmitz, H., & Tauchmann, H. (2012). Factor Substitution in Hospitals: A DEA based Approach .
Tauchmann, H. (2012). Partial Frontier Efficiency Analysis . Stata Journal , 12 (3), 461-478.
Tauchmann, H. (2012). Sozialethische Kriterien und konkrete Reformvorschläge für eine gerechte Umorganisation des Gesundheitswesens. eine Betrachtung aus ökonomischer Perspektive. In M. Dabrowsaski, J.Wolf und K. Abmeier (Hrg.), Gesundheitssystem und Gerechtigkeit, Ferdinand Schöningh: Paderborn. (S. 185-191).
Augurzky, B., Gülker, R., Reichert, A.R., & Tauchmann, H. (2011). The German Health System: An Overwview. In H.S. Rout (Eds.), Health Care Systems: A Global Survey, New Dehli: New Century Publications. (pp. 179-196).
Augurzky, B., & Tauchmann, H. (2011). Less Social Health Insurance, more Private Supplementary Insurance? Empirical Evidence from Germany . Journal of policy modeling , 33 (3), 470-480.
Behl, P., Dette, H., Frondel, M., & Tauchmann, H. (2011). Being Focused: When the Purpose of Inference Matters for Model Selection .
Paloyo, A., Reinermann, H., & Tauchmann, H. (2011). The Casual Link Between Financial Incentives and Weight Loss - An Evidence Survey of the Lecture .
Reichert, A.R., & Tauchmann, H. (2011). The Causal Impact of Fear of Unemployment on Psychological Health .
Schmidt, C., & Tauchmann, H. (2011). Heterogeneity in the Intergenerational Transmission of Alcohol Consumption: A Quantile Regression Approach . Journal of Health Economics , 30 (1), 33-42.
Augurzky, B., Reichert, A.R., & Tauchmann, H. (2010). The Effect of Self-assessed Job Security on the Demand for Medical Rehab .
Lenz, S., Schmidt, C., & Tauchmann, H. (2010). Smoking Initiation in Germany: The Role of Intergenerational Transmission . Health Economics , 19 (2), 227-242.
Tauchmann, H. (2010). Consistency of Heckman-type Two-Step Estimators for the Multivariate Sample-Selection Mode . Applied economics , 42 (30), 3895-3902.
Augurzky, B., Gülker, R., Reichert, A.R., & Tauchmann, H. (2009). Überkapazitäten im deutschen Krankenhaussektor - auch im Fall einer Grippepandemie? In Leibniz-Gemeinschaft (Hrg.), Schweinegrippe, AIDS & Co - Infektionskrankheiten als globales Problem, Berlin. (S. 14-19).
Tauchmann, H., Clausen, H., & Oelmann, M. (2009). Do Organizational Forms matter? Innovation and Liberalization in the German Wastewater Sector . Journal of policy modeling , 31 (6), 863-876.
Tamm, M., Tauchmann, H., Wasem, J., & Greß, S. (2008). The Dynamics of Price-Responsieness in the German School Health Insurance System . In B.Rosen, R. Saltman and M.Shani (Eds.), Health Systems: We are in a Post Reform Era?, Tel Hashomer: The Israel ,National Institute of Health. (pp. 408-417).
Tauchmann, H. (2008). West-East Convergence in the Prevalence of Cannabis Use: Socioeconomics or Culture? Economics : the Open-Access, Open-Assessment e-Journal , 2008-29 .
Engel, D., & Tauchmann, H. (2007). Sind privatrechtlich organisierte Wasserversorger tatsächlich innovativer? empirische Befunde des AquaSus-Projekts . In P.Haug und M.T.W. Rosenfeld (Eds.), Die Rolle der Kommunen in der Wasserwirtschaft, Baden-Baden: Nomos. (pp. 115-138).
Tamm, M., Tauchmann, H., Wasem, J., & Greß, S. (2007). Elasticities of Market Shares and Social Health Insurance Choice in Germany: A Dynamic Panel Data Approach . Health Economics , 16 (3), 243-256.
Tauchmann, H. (2007). Koexistenz von privater und gesetzlicher Krankenversicherung bei Kopfpauschale und allgemein freier Kassenwahl? Sozialer Fortschritt: unabhängige Zeitschrift für Sozialpolitik , 56 (6), 157-163.
Augurzky, B., Bermann, S., Göhlmann, S., Krolop, S., Liehr-Griem, A., Schmidt, C.M.,... Terkatz, S. (2006). Strukturreform im deutschen Gesundheitswesen . In H. Reinermann (Hrg.), Das Dilemma der modernen Medizin - Gratwanderung zwischen Machbarkeit, Sinnhaftigkeit und Bezahlbarkeit, Baden-Baden, Nomos. (S. 139-167).
Tauchmann, H. (2006). Firing the Furnace? An Econometric Analysis of Utilities' Fuel Choice . Energy Policy , 34 (18), 3898-3909.
Tauchmann, H., Hafesbrink, J., Nisipeanu, P., Thomzik, M., Bäumer, A., Brauer, A.,... Schroll, D.-W.-I.M. (2006). Innovation für eine nachhaltige Wasserwirtschaft - Einflussfaktoren und Handlungsbedarf . Heidelberg: Physica Verlag.